
Grunty Face

Name Grunty
Title Chief
Affiliation Savage Machines
Mentor Coffee?
Status Alive and well
Clan Gangrel
Sire Fordream
Origin 1850s, United States
Bday April 18 (Aries)
Table of Content

Grunty is an insanely powerful man, chef of the Savage Machines. While illeterate, he has an immence sense of leadership and an unwaivering moral compass, making him the perfect leader.

Animal White Wolf
& why
for the delicious b l o o d
Coca Cola
Horror Movie Chucky serie

Fuck lilith, I just wanna punch something and she looks punchable!


Physical Acuity

Overall, strenght, cardio, speed, vision, hearing, smell, and other physical attributes have scaled up in efficiency.

Protean metamorphosis

Able to either fully or partially shape shift self into the shape of a creature whose blood he's tasted

Outlandish Strenght

Able to accomplish feats of strenghts beyond imagination, such as tearing apart a concrete wall, or use a mature tree trunk as a bat.

Inner Call

Able to pull his favored weapon (afformentionned tree trunk) out of his self

Life & Career

[written by jkb]

Human life

Grunty is a proud american soldier, circa 1862 ,in the birth of the tragic civil war; who joined the fight to fight for the freedom that Abraham Lincoln was fighting for grunty devoted his young years working on this amazing streght of his ,he was already exeptionally strong ,he gived is entire existance for the honnor of being on the battlefield... And he got shot 3 times in laps of his brief 4 second on the field. And he got left behind. All day long he was in a pool of blood ,surviving by miracle by the sheer power of his rage against this system that suddenly had failed and abandonned him

Vampire life

But when the moon started to shine,he heard someone behind him ,he offered grunty a second chance in a brand new system,a new world,a new chance. This man was called Fordream, il donna a grunty la chance et depuis ,grunty trouva toujours moyen de renversé l'ordre près établie, le faconner a sont image; l'image d'un groupe qui laisserait jamais un des leurs seul dans le sang et la haine.